October 30, 2020
I hear a hawk then see it’s a flicker. I hear a chickadee. The rocks are spotted with lichens. It’s windy. I hear sparrows. I hear a scrub jay. Willows fill the base of the canyon where it’s wet enough to grow marsh grasses and blue damselflies, but I can’t see those. A branch of red berries implies a foreground. I hear a raven. When the flicker flies off, red under the wing, it looks like work. What do you call the central artery that makes a feather resemble a leaf? Above me cars pass on O’Shaughnessy Boulevard, a road that I get mixed up with McGrath in Somerville. They both sound like cardinals. The brightest thing on Earth is the wavy red roof of a bus stop. I’m mad at myself for noticing that the new shoots of the willow branch fractally. “I love Sad Wings.” I hear a white-crowned sparrow. Two girls in orange scrunchies wonder about pillars in the bedrock. I try not to see the pillars because this is a canyon. I try not to see the bus stop. I leave chippings of yellow nail polish. I forget which way is up. There are three ravens. I am bad at making myself physically uncomfortable. I take a photo of the bus stop for later. There are ravens and sparrows. I see a poofed up golden-crowned sparrow in the willow behind the red berries. I see a yellow patch around her beak and food on her beak. I hear her wingbeats away. Someone else should come by so I can listen. I hear a distant raven and rounded laughter coming over the coyote’s hill. There are beautiful small sharp ovoid leaves on vertical stems and a hummingbird. A dragonfly buzzes me and I say ahhh to no one. Eleven ravens are high over the pillars. My mother sends me her green fingernails. If I were down in the willows it would smell different.

September 9, 2020: Long distance fire opinions framed as solidarity would be acceptable to me

8:34 AM i had become accustomed to the sunrise
8:55 AM i heard the nufrank before i saw the sky so i thought things were as yesterday, alas my bird friend is simply out there in deep orange city squawking a little. glad he knew it was time somehow
9:04 AM we're all thinking the same thing but we're not allowed to say it
9:40 AM your california friends are experiencing the life of the spleen at present [photo]
9:50 AM good morning from san francisco [photo]
9:55 AM what does gavin have to say for himself this morning lol
10:14 AM (that was 9:47a)
10:44 AM don't get too excited it's not railing fatty it's the other enormous gray cat [photo] [photo]
11:06 AM railing fatty [photo]
11:28 AM it's not fire season it's thinking unspeakable thoughts season
12:33 PM did bob woodward sit on climate change for a few months so he could get the scoop in his book or what
12:33 PM i would rather be in california than somewhere else pretending (12:33 p.m.) [photo]
12:39 PM [photo] [photo]
2:31 PM on the plus side i can see my neighbors' indoor daytime activities for once!
2:59 PM everyone likes an animal creeper but no one likes a human one. well i guess i was just kidding then
5:06 PM ah, the mighty pacific [photo]
5:22 PM illegally torn-down neutra house update [photo]
5:46 PM woodward's been a dumb bitch forever! since when do we concern ourselves with boomer faves lol
9:15 PM to me solidarity with children birds and california would be everyone of all ages in the streets (good excuses only)
9:18 PM not sure how much long distance fire opinions i can take in over the next while without something like all the people in the streets